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YouByYou's Privacy Policy

Who are we?

YouByYou Books is run by Anna Foster and is based at Swallow Court, High Halden Road, Biddenden, Kent, TN27 8BD.

We can be contacted either by post at this address, by telephone on 01580 291965, or by email at av.foster@btinternet.com.

What information do we collect?

For clients who have worked with us, we collect names, email addresses, a contact phone number, postal address and sometimes bank details.

For enquirers to our website and competition entrants we collect email addresses.

For clients who purchase a book, we collect postal addresses, email addresses. We use Paypal for transactions, see their privacy policy.

Why do we store it and for how long?

For clients, to pursue ongoing work.

For competition entrants and website enquirers, for communication about future competitions and projects.

For clients who purchase a book, to deal with any follow-up to the purchase.

We store these details indefinitely.

With whom is the information shared?

We do not share the information with any third parties. We never send on email addresses to any third parties for marketing purposes.

What about cookies?

A cookie is a piece of data stored on the user's computer tied to information about the user. Cookies used on our website do not contain personally identifiable information.

We use cookies to collect anonymised and aggregated data of visits and pathways through the website, through StatCounter and Google Analytics. This data cannot be used to trace individual visitors.

For website visitors, this anonymised data is used to understand patterns of visitor behaviour on our website which we hope will lead to improvements.

Visitors to the website cannot be identified through the anonymised data we collect about their visit and the pathway they take through the site.

How Google and StatCounter use the data when you use our website may be found in their own privacy policies, click on Google and StatCounter. Google's page also explains how you can disable this form of data collection if you do not wish it. Analytics data is stored by Google for 50 months, after which it is automatically deleted.

You may also use your browser's 'private' or 'incognito' mode to prevent your visit from being counted as part of this data.

What are your rights over your data?

We are required to respond within 30 days to all requests regarding your data. You have the right:

  • to ask that we declare what data we are storing about you;
  • to request that we delete your data;
  • to have the data sent to you in a portable digital format, for another company to use;
  • to restrict us from processing your data;
  • to rectify your data if it is wrong or out of date;
  • disable the use of cookies function by means of a browser add-on to ensure the prevention of the sending of any analytical information to Google or StatCounter.

What happens in case of a data breach?

A data breach is defined as "the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure of, or access to, personal data".

If we become aware of a data breach that concerns you, we will contact you immediately as part of our efforts to limit the damage caused.

The ICO will be notified immediately if possible, but within 72 hours at the latest.

Any complaints about the ways we handle your data should be made to the Information Commissioner's Office.